

by Frederick A. Drummond, Sr.

Frederick A. Drummond, Sr.'s walk with God has infuenced the kingdom in many ways, not the least of which is through the books he has authored. Below is a partial list of titles.


Return to Eden –

Jesus, the second Adam, has birthed a New Creation

The miracle of God's new creation is that you have been invited to share in the love that has always existed between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is a grand experience of love, between believers and their God, that they have brought into their homes, their churches, and every area of their lives. It sets them apart from the rest of the world as one-of-a-kind people. Their relationships smack of Eden's bliss. They are full of the joys of togetherness, the pleasures of companionship, and the excitement of unending, inseparable love between them, their God, and everything that they do. This is true propsperity. This is their glory. This is God's glory!

available December 23, 2016

Normal –

Discovering how life was meant to be.

Who can say what normal is? So who can require the actions that define normal? Unless we know the foundation of normal, then normal is a function of where we grew up, the time we live in or just our personal opinions. Discover what leading comentators say that normal is, and define for yourself where to start the quest for normal.

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Christianity 101 –

The Bible way to become a Christian.

Are you frustrated because you don't know the measuring stick of a real Christian? Discover the basic elements that define true Christianity and therefore true spirituality. Starting from the basics, this books help the unlearned and exhorts the mature in what the Hebrews writer calls the elementary principles of Christ. As the song goes, "A very good place to start...".

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Reigning in Life Through Christ!

Are you reiging in life? In Christ every person has the God-ordained right to rule and reign.

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View the Full list of Books written by Frederick Drummond, Sr.


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- Frederick Drummond Sr.'s background, and how God has brought him to where he is today
- The vision of F.A.D., Sr.

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Notes & Articels by FAD, Sr.

- Featured Article: The Jesus Mission: Temple Revival
- Read How's Your Hearing?

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Excerpts from books from FAD

- Return to Eden

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Dr. Frederick A. Drummond.

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